QUPER model

QUPER (QUality PERformance) model is a method for defining release plans and targets for cross-functional, system-wide quality aspects of a system (such as usability, performance, scalability and similar…). It aids with prioritisation and roadmap planning.

The model was developed by Bjorn Regnell and Richard Berntsson Svensson at Lund University in Sweden as a way to “align the debate about what quality should delivery”.

The QUPER model presumes that cross-functional system attributes evolve over a cost/value curve, with a continuous scale rather than using discrete steps. For example, system performance can improve or deteriorate, instead of just existing or not existing in as in a discrete binary way. The model requires identifying three “breakpoints” on the value curve for each cross-functional aspect:

The three breakpoints depend on the competing solutions or customer expectations, not on the opinions of the stakeholders. (Look for them in market research or in competitor analysis, do not ask individual stakeholders for their opinion).

QUPER model

Once market expectations are established, define a release plan by engaging stakeholders in a discussion about where on each of these curves the solution needs to be in which release or product version.

You can use the Purpose Alignment Model to assist in this kind of decision making.

As the market opportunities change, so do customer expectations, and the utility/differentiation/saturation points in the future might not be the same as in the present (today’s exciters become tomorrow’s expected levels of performance). Review the market situation regularly when working with the QUPER model, and adjust the plans accordingly.

The key value of this model is to present options and thresholds in an objective way, and facilitate a discussion about how much should be invested in different aspects of a solution, and when. You can define segments of acceptable performance for each release, agreeing how your product will evolve over time.

Learn more about the QUPER model

Related and complementary tools to the QUPER model

Alternatives to the QUPER model

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